Stiffness Kinesiology

Reactive Muscle Kinesiology forms one part of the Touch for Health Kinesiology Synthesis developed by a Chiropractor John Thie, in the 1970’s, which was adapted from the Chiropractic science of Applied Kinesiology. As with most Kinesiologies, RMK is based on an understanding that Health in the Human Mind/Body/Energy System is the result of a dynamic Balance between 3 main factors: Structural/Postural Integrity; Biochemical/ Nutritional factors; and Mental/Emotional factors. And that imbalance in any one of these dimensions, can manifest as symptoms in any of the other dimensions. And a huge key to understanding where those imbalances in the human Mind/Body/Energy System exist lies at the interface of the “energy” and the “muscular” systems of the body – the soma. That is, every muscle of the body relates to a specific Acupuncture meridian, and related organ and/or gland. So manually testing (muscle testing) those muscles gives a direct bio-readout of the energy balance of the meridians/organs/glands related to each of those muscles (Goodheart discovered these correlations when developing the system of Applied Kinesiology in the 1960s).