Stiffness Kinesiology

Reactive Muscle Kinesiology forms one part of the Touch for Health Kinesiology Synthesis developed by a Chiropractor John Thie, in the 1970’s, which was adapted from the Chiropractic science of Applied Kinesiology. As with most Kinesiologies, RMK is based on an understanding that Health in the Human Mind/Body/Energy System is the result of a dynamic Balance between 3 main factors: Structural/Postural Integrity; Biochemical/ Nutritional factors; and Mental/Emotional factors. And that imbalance in any one of these dimensions, can manifest as symptoms in any of the other dimensions. And a huge key to understanding where those imbalances in the human Mind/Body/Energy System exist lies at the interface of the “energy” and the “muscular” systems of the body – the soma. That is, every muscle of the body relates to a specific Acupuncture meridian, and related organ and/or gland. So manually testing (muscle testing) those muscles gives a direct bio-readout of the energy balance of the meridians/organs/glands related to each of those muscles (Goodheart discovered these correlations when developing the system of Applied Kinesiology in the 1960s).

Kinesiology special offers

Treat your mam this mothers day with reflexology treatment to make her feel relaxed and revitalised. All Reflexology treatments are available for €20.00 untill March 23rd – You must like and share this post to avail of the offer. Go on, your mam deserves it!

Causes Of Sleep Disorders

Causes of sleep disorders can be divided into four broad areas: lifestyle, biological factors, medication side effects and clinical disorders. The causes of sleep disorders determine treatment options. Lifestyle habits that affect sleep can be altered. Medication that causes sleep deprivation or other sleep-related side effects may need to be changed upon further investigation.

People experiencing more than occasional episodes of sleep deprivation should seek medical attention. Individuals who snore, choke or appear to stop breathing for brief periods while sleeping may have sleep apnea, a potentially serious condition. Insomnia causes daytime sleepiness and should also be reported to a doctor.

What are the benefits of Applied kinesiology?

The basic principal behind kinesiology is getting to the root of your ailments and not just simply treating symptoms. By looking at the body as a whole, holistic techniques promote healing to more than one area at a time. Things such as depression, muscular aches and pains, allergies, skin disorders, arthritis, back ache, digestive problems, osteoporosis, rheumatism, congestion, dyslexia, asthma, accident trauma, and irritable bowel syndrome are just a few of the ailments Applied Kinesiology can treat.

Athletes have found Applied Kinesiology to be useful in everything from diagnosing injuries to enhancing strength, endurance, and performance. Many people have also discovered the benefits of this science to help with stress, tension, chronic fatigue, concentration, memory recovery, boost energy levels, and improve daily quality of life.

Sleep Loss Kinesiology How It Works

Muscles are tested in different areas of the body in a manner that evaluates each specific muscle. During the examination the doctor will find some muscles that test strong and others that test extremely weak. The “weakness” indicates not only a dysfunction of the muscle, but possibly poor control of an organ, gland, or other tissues on the same nerve, vascular, acupuncture, or nutritional grouping. The doctor then decides which therapy is the best for that dysfunction. Sometimes the body needs a manual chiropractic adjustment and muscle manipulation. Other times you may need cold laser therapy or nutritional support. Every patient is different and it is the job of your kinesiologist to find the best approach to your body.

Sleep loss symptoms Kinesiology

Kinesiology, also known as human kinetics, is the science of human movement.

Applied Kinesiology is a system that provides feedback on the functional status of the body. It was developed in the 1960s by Dr. George Goodheart, in which he discovered that the evaluation of normal and abnormal body function could be accomplished by using muscle testing. Since this original discovery the examination has gone on to evaluate the lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, meridian, vascular, cranial, stress, and nutritional systems of the body. All of these components are vital in maintaining the “Triad of Health”.

The “Triad of Health” is composed of the Chemical, Mental, and Structural elements of the body. If any one of these components is out of balance it can cause the whole body to go out of balance. This can result in anything from chronic pain and disease to anxiety and depression. By using Applied Kinesiology we can help bring back the balance to the body and return health and vitality.


Kinesiology, also known as human kinetics, is the science of human movement.

Applied Kinesiology is a system that provides feedback on the functional status of the body. It was developed in the 1960s by Dr. George Goodheart, in which he discovered that the evaluation of normal and abnormal body function could be accomplished by using muscle testing. Since this original discovery the examination has gone on to evaluate the lymphatic, nervous, endocrine, meridian, vascular, cranial, stress, and nutritional systems of the body. All of these components are vital in maintaining the “Triad of Health”.

The “Triad of Health” is composed of the Chemical, Mental, and Structural elements of the body. If any one of these components is out of balance it can cause the whole body to go out of balance. This can result in anything from chronic pain and disease to anxiety and depression. By using Applied Kinesiology we can help bring back the balance to the body and return health and vitality.

Osteoporosis Healing

Applied kinesiology (AK) is a form of diagnosis using muscle testing as a primary feedback mechanism to examine how a person’s body is functioning. When properly applied, the outcome of an AK diagnosis will determine the best form of therapy for the patient. Since AK draws together the core elements of many complementary therapies, it provides an interdisciplinary approach to health care

Applied Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology ) is a way of identifying any imbalances a person has by monitoring their ability to hold their muscles against light pressure.

Each muscle is related to an organ, and also to an energy pathway called a meridian. Together the muscle, organ and meridian form a circuit. If there are chemical, emotional, structural or energetic stresses affecting the circuit, the muscle tested will feel ‘spongy’, indicating an imbalance.



Once an imbalance is found the Kinesiologist uses the muscle test again to get feedback from the person’s body about what factors are aggravating the imbalance, and what will help to rebalance it. Here’s how it works …

Osteoporosis healing

Osteoporosis develops very slowly over a period of many years. The condition may creep up on the patient without any obvious symptoms initially – it can take several months, and even several years to become noticeable. Early signs of osteoporosis may include:

* Joint pains
* Difficulty standing
* Difficulty sitting up straight. The stooping position often seen among elderly people is a visible sign of possible osteoporosis.

As the person’s bone density or bone mass continues to go down fractures of the hip, wrist or bones in the spine become more common. Even a cough or a sneeze may fracture a rib or cause partial collapse of one of the spinal bones.
Elderly people suffer greatly if they fracture a bone, because the bone cannot repair itself properly. Bones that do not effectively repair themselves are more likely to trigger arthritis, eventually leaving the patient seriously disabled. A large percentage of elderly patients who break a bone are not able to live independently afterwards.

Although osteoporosis is not painful in itself, the condition causes bones to break more easily, and broken bones are very painful. The most common cause of chronic pain linked to osteoporosis is a spinal fracture.

I can test the body for osteoporosis using kinesiology and recommend a natural diet and tissue salts to help support the bones health.

Back Pain

How do we get back pain, or any other sort of pain?  First of all, there is an overload of stress.  It can be physical such as lifting an object that was too heavy.  However, I am now going to tell you a big secret of natural health that many people do not realize: The cause of the pain can also be chemical or nutritional, emotional or electrical.  And usually it is a combination of these.  It is different for different people at different times.  How do I know this? Because when we identify the cause of why a muscle went out of balance, with muscle testing, and remove the cause, the pain has not only gone, but stayed away.

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